In 2006, a young man nicknamed ‘Playa’ is caught up in gang violence in the debaucherous city of Stilwater, he is rescued by Julius Little and recruited by The Third Street Saints. We promise we won’t ruin the deaths of anyone who dies and stays dead.
We’ll avoid spoilers whenever possible, but some of the story set ups are connected to one another which make revealing a later in the story plot beat necessary sometimes. With a new entry on the way, we figure now is as good a time as any for us to put the Saints Row games in order and tell you a little bit about them. With a focus on high stakes cinematic action and outrageous comedy that is worked into it’s very gameplay design, the franchise has been a hit since it’s first installment. Developed by THQ and Volition, Saints Row is an open world crime sandbox game that presents the player with the same power fantasy as Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto series.