

  • December 25, 2023
    Our goal was to enhance the historical feel by correcting those oversights. A couple of classical examples are Persian 'Immortals' (who historically had very little to do with how they are depicted in Civ4) and Roman 'Praetorians' (unlike other legionaries, praetorians were never intended for...
    December 25, 2023
    An interesting point is that if troops of significant numbers are placed on interested county, the AI will almost always realise defeat and hand the title over to you. Positioning them on one of my vassals I began to banish/reclaim all titles that my vassals held. My first act was to call all...
    December 25, 2023
    I also tried the Vertibird Machine Gun but it also works only 10% of the time and inexplicably is silent the rest, I have no idea how something could only have a chance to work like that. I've been troubleshooting this sound issue for awhile, but recently discovered the stock Fallout 4 Assault...
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